Exchange Rules of the "Reptilienbörse Dreiländereck" back
(The German version is binding for the exhibitor)
1st General
These regulations apply to the Exchange Reptile exhibition "Reptilienbörse Dreiländereck" in the town hall Tettnang.
Organizer and author of the Stock Exchange Rules and Regulations is:
"Reptilienfreunde Oberschwaben e.V."
CEO: 1.Tobias Herke, 2. Thomas Wirth seat: Tettnang
The stock market is exclusively for sale and / or exchange of reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and small animals or small mammals and accessories, terrariums, animal feed and literature directly by the provider.
2nd Exchange Participants
The stock market is basically the range of animals for sale or exchange by private individuals. Commercial breeders and dealers must be in possession of a permit pursuant to § 11 para l l set number 3 Animal Welfare Act and this show, at the request of the competent authority and enclose a copy of the application (Only EU-citizens).
All vendors must the competent authority possessed by the support, (as they relate to the provider) relevant animal protection laws and
the Exchange Rules to know and commit themselves before the market opens on their compliance.
The offering of animals is possible only by prior arrangement.
Each supplier is only the assigned court. Bidders, the animals in unsuitable containers are not accepted or expelled from the Stock Exchange.
3rd General implementing provisions
a) The traffic on the trading floors clock starts at 10:00 and ends at 15:00 clock. Smoking is not allowed on the trading floors. Bringing food and beverages is prohibited (except for exhibitors). Photography or filming of any kind is prohibited.
Animals that should not be offered to the animal market, have no access to the Exchange site.
Neither the organizers nor the hall landlords are liable for accidents involving animals, or for damages of any kind on the offered goods or animals. Nor organizer or liable for hall rental transactions that were made during the stock market, namely those who violate the law. The provider is responsible for the exhibited on its own exhibition space, animals and goods. He is also responsible for any damage inflicted by his fault or other party visitors during the exchange. After completion of the exchange, the exhibition space should be left as it was found. For damage to the rented furniture, etc. The provider is responsible.
b) animal gift room
- The poison animals, a separate space is provided. The entrance to this room is granted only after 18 years. A professional security company is commissioned by the organizers to check and ID cards to control access. The release of poisonous animals is allowed only to persons over 18 years with valid proof of competence
- A certificate on the transfer of potentially dangerous animals must be from the previous owner and the new owners will be filled out and signed (certificate is provided by the organizer).
- From any provider of poisonous animals is a possible approval for such provided by the organizer is to ask the competent authorities officer.
- The poison animals are kept in sealed plastic containers so that they can not escape. The containers must be sealed unbreakable and escape-proof. If such a container on the floor, it must be ensured that the box does not spring open (latch, or glued). The containers are legibly marked 'toxic' label. The tables are separate fuses, etc. by using square timbers to provide "drop" to avoid one of the containers in advance.
- The poison animals must be removed from the containers and presented in any case.
- The animals are toxic to register in advance by the owners / dealers with specific information, can be reconstructed so that all the animals were sold or redeemed.
- Declaration of venomous animals by species protection provisions of the provider
- When a poisonous animal is sold, a separate storage is available if the buyer wants to look even further in the market area.
- Prophylactic presence of the DRC and / or trained rescue personnel are present
4th Exercise of domestic authority
The stock market managers and supervisors have the authority to instruct the vendors and visitors. You can for violations of the Exchange Rules or animal welfare regulations, and requirements decreed by the competent authority, to exclude persons from the exchange.
For serious violations, or in case of recurrence, a provider or visitors are limited or excluded permanently from participating in further exchanges of this promoter.
5th Attendance and withdrawal from participation
The organizer is entitled to otherwise dispose of the state, if on the day the stock market, the construction is not completed until 09.30 clock. The construction begins on the trading day at 7.00 clock. After consultation with the organizers of the construction is also possible the evening before the stock market.
A dismantling of the stand before the official dismantling time at 15:00 clock is not
permitted. Non-compliance can be a penalty in the amount of the rent will be imposed.
To approval (contract) a withdrawal from registration is available.
After obtaining the approval, withdrawal or a reduction in the service area is excluded by the exhibitor. In this case, the entire invoice and on the request of the exhibitor already supplies and services costs are paid. Remains unaffected by the right to terminate for cause pursuant to § 543 BGB. Then no liability arises to pay the rent.
6th Requirements
a) animals offered
Animals are bred to exhibit preferable, and offer. Here the private breeding farm bred are preferable.
The supply of wild fish (natural abstractions) is prohibited. This can be done, for example, by proving that the animals were kept for several years in captivity, and monitored for at least four weeks in quarantine and have been held.
Animals that make one feel weak or frightened to be taken by the organizer of the sale offer of the provider.
If a certificate of origin is not required anyway on the basis of existing legislation may require the buyer that the seller issued him a certificate of origin of the animal and sets out the previous duration of the possession of the provider.
The offering of toxic and other animals to humans can be dangerous, and certain species are subject only to the designated animal room poison or special editions. A list of these animals found in the appendix.
Sick, injured, weak, emaciated, or those animals in which violations of the Animal Protection Act, especially § 6 (amputation) or § l 1b (Qual farming, see "Report on the interpretation of § l lb of the Animal Welfare Act") stressed to be established, animals or other animals with significant behavioral problems may not be spent on the event site. If such an animal observed during the event, it must be immediately isolated and treated if necessary. Young animals that are not yet weaned, or animals that still can not break to eat and drink may not be offered.
Offering pregnant animals is prohibited.
b) delivery of animals to children or adolescents
Animals are to children and young people up to 18 years Age only in the presence of a parent or guardian will be given. (Except poison animal room)
c) General requirements for the issuance of the animals
The animals must be located no later than at 9.30 clock in the designated containers at the sales booth. The providers have to leave at 18.00 clock with their animals, the land exchange. Animals are constantly by the provider or commissioned by him to oversee appropriate people. In the period between the acquisition of an animal and the departure of the acquisition ends, the animal must either leave, or kept on the stall in the designated, separate area on the trading site. This is located on the trading floors and is supervised by the staff of the organizer.
Incompatible animals should be at any stage of transportation and the stock market kept separate.
The organizer offers exhibitors and visitors each animal righteous enough containers for the transportation for sale.
Animals that are subject to species protection must be marked where required species-protection law. Are the certificates required under § 49 BNatSchG proof of ownership rights must be made (by appropriate documents, if necessary by presenting a studbook). According to EU directives in addition to the animals requiring proof of origin can also import the certificate, or for breeding animals, the permission of the parents may be required. These should be handed over with a copy.
d) Selling containers
Containers such as selling only approved containers that meet their size and the environmental conditions to be realized the demands of adult animals. This means:
Both are for delivery and removal and for the accommodation of animals is heat-stable containers, eg Coolers, styrofoam boxes or similar use. If necessary, they are brought to ambient temperature by heat batteries or hot water bottles. Full styrofoam boxes can be housed in our temperature-controlled storage rooms guarded.
Minimum requirements for the containers:
The containers must be easy to clean and disinfect and are cleaned and disinfected before each. To avoid unnecessary stress, the containers should be possible only from one side to be viewed. You are able to equip with suitable refuges, especially if the offered animals active at night or especially vulnerable to stress. Adequate ventilation must be guaranteed and may be present enough suitable substrate (Applies for refuge).
The size of the container must be the problem-animal therein, allow active contact. As a rule of thumb for when an animal is:
Lizards and amphibians at least 1.5 times the head-body length,
Snakes at least 0.5 times the total length,
Turtle carapace length at least 2-fold,
(Long side of the container or diameter for round containers).
Chameleons should be kept separately in the container. The containers may only be viewed from the front. Climbing ability to be offered (with the exception Erdchamäleon). The containers should be sited such that they are not directly accessible.
The offering of baby mice and baby rats, etc., are not yet independently able to eat and drink is not allowed. The same goes for females who have given birth less than 48 hours or are in the birth. Container with rodents may only be occupied so dense that at least 1 / 3 of the container base is free. The animals must have appropriate bedding, food, potions, and enough options for retreat.
In principle, each container may only be one animal, a species can be accommodated (exceptions: "Eligible group animals," invertebrate animals except spiders (spider not compacts), and scorpions Hunderfüßern and mammals).
The containers must be secured by the party against reaching inside and the withdrawal of animals from any unauthorized person.
Sales containers must appear on at least table height. The floor space under the tables has to remain free. To prevent the sale of containers jostled or captured by unauthorized persons
be, it is necessary to ensure the arrangement and positioning of containers for sale through appropriate measures.
e) Special Provisions
Sexing with tools, probes, for example, are not permitted on the stock exchange.
The tapping or shaking of containers with animals is against animal protection and to prevent so.
The removal of animals from the containers may only be used by the provider if there is a valid reason, eg made a serious intent to purchase. Exceptions are defined in the appendix.
Removing advertising purposes and one passing around among the visitors are not allowed ..
When transporting animals, the relevant provisions of the Animal Welfare Act and the Animal Transport Regulation are observed. In particular, the animals any avoidable pain, suffering or injury to be inflicted.
The transport of the animals may only be appropriate means of transport under conducive climatic conditions and where necessary take place with sufficient privacy. For design, the CITES guidelines for transport and IATA guidelines are used.
The retention of animals unattended in parked vehicles is prohibited, if it is likely with adverse climatic conditions.
Sick or injured animals must be separated and treated as needed. The vet mentioned below is present and accessible on the stock exchange in this case:
Dr. Guido Koslowski
Karlsdorfer Str 46
88069 Tettnang
Tel (0 75 42) 85 33
f) labeling and information requirements
Name and address of the supplier are in a prominent position be mounted directly on offering space. In addition, the sale containers in a suitable form to be provided with signs, which will, following information:
- Name / s of the animal / s (scientific and German),
- Sex, if known,
- Posture conditions and care information, such as socialization, temperature, water levels, humidity,
- Advices from so-called food specialists,
- After conservation status of species protection legislation,
- Birth or hatching date, if known,
- Any price or exchange value.
On information that's moving into the uninformed visitor, it can be dispensed with. The above information (except for species and sex) can be transferred from the information provider as a separate purchase.
The provider has the purchaser or exchange partners on the keeping, feeding and
Care conditions of the animals offered for professional advice.
Appendix: Additional provisions for certain groups of animals:
1st In mammals, only rodents and other small animals will be offered.
2nd The following reptiles may not be offered or brought to the market area:
- All crocodilians (Crocodylae), this includes eg Crocodiles, alligators, caimans and Gavial
- Snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina),
- Vulture turtles (Macrodemys temminckii)
3rd Additional provision for offering significantly poisonous reptiles:
o Erdvipern (Atractaspididae) Erdvipern all of the genus and subfamily Aparallactinae Micrelaps
o poison snakes (Elapidae): all kinds of genres of death adders (Acanthophis), sign cobras (Aspidelaps), water cobras (Boulengerina), krait (Bungarus), Mambas (Dendroaspis), ring-necked cobras (Hemachatus), abdominal glands otters (Maticora), Genuine coral snakes (Micrurus) , True cobras (Naja), Tiger River Otters (Notechis), king cobras (Ophiophagus) Taipans (Oxyuranus), Black River Otters (Pseudechis), forest cobra (Pseudohaje), Australian bill cobras (Naja Pseudomonas), desert cobras (Walterinnesia)
o vipers (Viperidae): all species of the genera bush viper (Atheris), puff adders (Bitis), horned vipers (Cerastes), sand rattle-vipers (Echis), Macmahon Vipers (Eristicophis), false horned vipers (Pseudocerastes), True vipers (Vipera)
o pit vipers (Crotalidae): all species of the genus triangular head viper (Agkistrodon), Lance viper (Bothrops), rattlesnakes (Crotalus), bushmaster (Lachesis), pygmy rattlesnakes (Sistrurus), Asian lance vipers (Trimesurus)
o sea snakes (Hydrophiidae)
o mirage snakes (Boiginae) whip snakes of the genera (Ahaetulla), night tree snakes (Boiga), sand racing snakes (Psammophis), Boomslang (Dispholidus), tree snakes (Thelotornis), tiger snakes (Rhabdophis tigrinus)
may only be offered in the space provided.
4th Additional provision for offering significantly toxic invertebrates:
- Significantly poisonous scorpions of the genera Androctonus, Buthus, Mesobuthus, Compsobuthus, Lychas, Orthochirus, Urodacus, Uroplectes, Vaejovis, Centruroides, Hottentotta, Leiurus, Parabuthus, Bothriurus, Buthacus, Nebo, and Tityus Hemiscorpius
may only be offered in the space provided.
Significantly poisonous spiders of the genus Trechona, Atrax, Hadronycha, Harpactirella, Latrodectus, Loxosceles, Mastrophora, Phoneutria, Cheiracanthium, Sicarius, Hogna, Macrothele, Cteniza, Bothriocyrtum, Idiommata, Ixeuticus, Miturga, Phrynarachne, Lampona, Olios, Pandercetes, Pediana, Isopeda , Heteropoda, Delena, SAOT, Typostola,
may only be offered in the space provided.
- Poisonous spiders of the genus Actinopus, Badumna, Ummidia, Poecilotheria, Haplopelma, Selenocosmia, Stromatopelma Pterinochilus and may only be offered in secured containers, the opening in the course of the exchange is strictly prohibited.
- Hunderfüßer (Scolopen)
may only be offered in secured containers, the opening in the course of the exchange is strictly prohibited.
The above rules also apply to common synonyms of that species. All spiders and scorpions, whose nature can not be determined unequivocally, are classified as significantly toxic and may only be offered in the space provided. back